Sunday, August 3, 2014

The gal you know and love in the photo above took a tumble Friday August 1, and wound up with a skull fracture and sub-dermal hematoma. Even with insurance, Rachel will be left with some hefty bills after her luxurious stay at Hotel Athens Regional. These substantial bills will be exacerbated by the fact that she'll be out of work for a few weeks recovering with no income. After these events, Rachel could sure use a financial fist-bump from the friends, family, and community she pitches in for so often.

We know she'd do it for us, so we're hoping we can rally our friends and family to pitch in for her. We want her to be able to focus on her recovery, instead of worrying that broken noggin over how she'll cover these bills while being out of work. Willie Mae (pictured) isn't much of a breadwinner.

If you're able to lend a hand, the link below will take you to a PayPal page. You do not need a PayPal account to contribute.

We'll update soon with a goal once we have a better idea of medical bills, but we expect that she'll be out several thousand for bills and missed work.

Feel free to leave comments on this post for Rachel to read!

Thank you!

Rachel's loving roommate and friend,
Alyssa DeHayes & Laura Estrada


  1. Hey Rachel, I'm so sorry to hear about your accident! I'm glad you're ok now and I hope the rest of your recovery goes smoothly. Please let me know if there's anything I can do! I'm glad you have your doggie love to keep you company :)

  2. Rachel: you may be eligible for a Crisis Grant or Matching Grant from The Giving Kitchen: an organization designed to help Atlanta restaurant workers in need. As supporters of TGK, Heirloom would be happy to recommend you.
